Telecommute & Compressed Work Week

Telecommuting and Compressed Work Week are alternative work schedules that eliminate the need for a commute completely.
Telecommuting, also called teleworking or working from home, maybe an option for you at your workplace. While not offered everywhere, teleworking is an option that’s gaining in popularity among employees and employers alike.
Benefits of Telecommuting
More Productive:
There have been a number of studies that have shown employees who telecommute may be more productive than their at work counterparts. Reasons for this increased productivity could be fewer distractions at home and workers can adjust their schedule to work when they’re most productive (earlier mornings or later at night).
More Satisfaction:
Workers who telecommute have expressed a higher job satisfaction and the ability to telecommute every so often is seen as a benefit to employees.
More Efficient:
You don’t waste any time with your commute, so you can get started working right away.
Environmentally Friendly:
Reducing the need to drive has great positive impacts on the community and environment.
Tips for Telecommuting:
Set up a distraction free workspace: telecommuting is not a replacement for childcare needs or getting chores done around the house.
Work with your IT Department to get a VPN Connection: make sure you are connected to the office and the files you’ll need when you’re working at home.
Communicate Regularly: Let your coworkers know ahead of time when you’ll be telecommuting and make sure they have a way to reach you.
Explore Flexwork: A Flexwork arrangement is a work plan that differs from the standard work schedule. It allows workplaces to offer employees specific commuting times to avoid travelling through peak hours.
Flexwork Resources:
- King County Metro WorkSmart
- Global Workplace Analytics – Costs and Benefits
- Training and Resources
- GSA Resources for Managing Teleworkers
- US Office of Personnel Management – Telework FAQs
- LinkedIn Learning Series: Remote Working Success
Compressed Work Week
A compressed work week allows you to work a full 40 hour week in fewer days. These longer days will add up to one full day where you don't need to travel into the office.
Similar to telecommuting, these types of schedules will need to be arranged and approved by your employer.
Employees work four, ten hour days instead of the traditional five, 8 hour days.
80 hours of work are spread over nine days, so the employee will take 1 extra day 'off' every two weeks.
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