
Redmond is a bicycle-friendly city.
With miles of bike lanes, bike boulevards, and trails you’re sure to find a route to get you to work or to lunch at your favorite spot.
Biking in Redmond is a Breeze
Redmond has the largest share of bike commuters on the Eastside. The number gets even bigger during events like Bike Month when 24% of all trips on Go Redmond are by bike! That number keeps growing every year as more and more people discover how easy (and fun) it can be to bike to work.
Make Biking Part of Your Commute
If you have a long commute, buses and many vanpools have bike racks so you can easily mix and match biking with a second alternative commute type.
Bikes make a quick and easy "last mile" connection to get you between the bus stop and work, or from home to the bus stop. Spandex is optional.
Save Time and Be Active
Biking is an excellent way to combine your daily exercise routine with your commute. It burns calories, reduces stress, and improves overall health.
Starting a Bike Commute
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Basics of Bicycling Videos
Go Redmond has answered some of your most frequent biking questions in these short, educational bike videos.
Brush up on the basics of riding in urban areas for a safe & enjoyable ride.
Our most common question, answered: put your bike on the bus!
Venny from Edge & Spoke on how to repair a flat tire with a patch kit.
Learn the basics of bike commuting to start a fun & healthy habit.
Deter thefts by locking your bike properly to bike racks around Redmond.
Element Cycle shows us how to get a proper fit on your bike.
Protect your noggin' with the fundamentals of a good fitting helmet.
Edge & Spoke shows you how to fix a slipped chain it in no time.
Recent Blog Posts
Safety gear, such as reflectors and flashers, available under "Rewards"