Drive with Care, Walk Aware 2018

Take the pledge to commute safer in 2018 and earn free safety gear!
Whether you are a steadfast all-weather biker, a dedicated transit rider, the driver of your carpool, or you're just walking from the parking garage to the office one thing is for sure. Dark and rainy winter mornings and evenings make it harder to be seen. Ring in 2018 right and take the pledge to “Drive with Care, Walk Aware” to earn free safety gear.
The “Drive with Care, Walk Aware” campaign focuses on how both drivers and people walking can behave safely when on the roads between work, home and play.
Take the pledge to receive free safety gear for walking in the dark
If you are out walking and have trouble seeing others on the trail or on the sidewalk, drivers have the same challenge! It’s easy for pedestrians to make themselves more visible to others, and for drivers to take the time to look out for bikers, and other people using the streets and sidewalks. We're all in it together to travel safely.
When walking, you should try to:
- Wear light and reflective clothing to make it easier for drivers to see you
- Cross at crosswalks. Increase the chance that drivers are looking for you.
- Utilize sidewalks and walkways whenever available-even in parking lots
- Make eye contact with drivers before stepping into the street
- Check each lane for oncoming or turning traffic before entering it
- If walking a pet take precautions and give them lights or reflective leashes/vests
We all know how important it is to drive extra carefully when it is wet and or dark. Do yourself a favor and put that phone out of sight so you are not distracted by notifications. Slow down, especially when the weather is inclement and take extra care when moving through intersections.
When driving, you should:
- Drive without distractions
- Look twice for people walking and biking before turning
- Slow down when approaching intersections
- Drive more slowly in dark and inclement weather
Are you a dedicated year-round cyclist? Make sure you have all the proper lights and reflective gear. The easier it is for drivers (and pedestrians) to see you, the safer your ride will be. WSDOT has a helpful page about Washington State bicycle laws.
Protect yourself by
- Wearing your helmet
- Planning your route ahead of time
- Having proper lights and reflectors. You need to have a white front light that is visible for 500 feet, and a red rear reflector. Additional lights/reflective tape on your jacket, helmet and backpack will help increase your visibility to drivers and pedestrians.
If you are an Employee Transportation Coordinator or Manager of a Multi-Family Housing Unit, you can request Go Redmond staff to come to your site and host a “Light Up Your Commute” event. Go Redmond will provide you with reflective gear to help make commuter’s bikes, jackets, and laptop bags more visible.
We’re all in this together. Take the pledge to commute with care. Whether you promise to drive extra cautiously or dress to be seen you’ll help make yours and everyone else’s commute safer.