
If your workplace is impacted by Commute Trip Reduction Laws or has a Transportation Management Program, we can help you navigate the regulations.
Commute Trip Reduction Laws
Some Redmond employers are affected by the Washington State Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) Law. The City of Redmond adopted the law into the municipal code, which is located in Chapter 5.65 under business licenses and regulations.
Your business is affected if:
- You have 100 or more full time employees at a single worksite
- Employees arrive at work between 6 and 9 am at least 2 days a week
If your company recently moved to the City of Redmond, or recently grew to have more than 100 employees, please let the City of Redmond know within 180 days.
CTR-affected employers are asked to:
- Assign an Employee Transportation Coordinator (ETC) to manage the commute program
- Survey employees every two years to assess progress toward CTR goals
- Submit an annual employer program report - Due each November 1st
- Act in good faith to reduce drive-alone commute trips
Go Redmond and City of Redmond are here to help with this process. Contact City of Redmond Transportation Programs Administrator, Kim Keeling, at (425) 556-2451 or to get started.
More information about CTR can also be found at King County's Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) Services website.
Transportation Management Program (TMP)
As a property owner, employer, and or tenant your building may be impacted by a Transportation Management Program (TMP). TMP's can be implemented as a condition of new commercial development. (Redmond Zoning Code 21.52.020.) Your business may be impacted by both CTR laws and the TMP program requirements, or just one. What is included in your TMP was negotiated at the time of development and is dependent upon the unique conditions of your site.
Elements of a TMP may include things such as:
A performance goal
Survey and reporting requirements
A set of elements to assist in achieving and maintaining the development's performance goal
For more information, contact City of Redmond Transportation Programs Administrator at to get started.
Elements to help you meet your performance goal may include one or more of the following:
Assign an Employee Transportation Coordinator (ETC) to manage the commute program
Marketing and promotion of a commute trip reduction program
Preferential parking for carpools and vanpools
Transportation Information Centers
Membership in a Transportation Management Association
Incentives (such as ORCA bus passes, vanpool subsidies, or other incentives that encourage not driving alone)
Property owners may also propose a demonstrated, equally effective alternative in lieu of a required element. Such substitution is subject to approval by the City's Technical Committee.
If you are unable to meet your TMP goal or are unable to make an effort towards meeting the requirements of the TMP, there may be fees or other contingencies imposed upon the property owner.
Go Redmond can assist in helping you meet your TMP performance goals. Check out our suite of free services available to businesses in Redmond under Services.
Contact City of Redmond Transportation Programs Administrator, Kim Keeling, at (425) 556-2451 or to help with your TMP.
One Pager on City of Redmond Transportation Management Programs
Can my company participate if we are not affected by the CTR Law?
Yes! The City of Redmond encourages all Redmond employers to participate in a commute reduction program.
Companies not affected by the law have all the same access to tools and services from Go Redmond to promote commute alteratives.