How to: Start A "Walking School Bus"
October 12, 2015

A walking school bus is nothing more than a parent volunteer (or volunteers) who take turns walking a group of students to school!
Creating A Walking School Bus
- Invite families who live nearby to walk together
- Pick a route and take a test walk.
- Decide how often the group will walk together
- It could be once a week or parent volunteers could rotate leading duties on a regular schedule
- Have fun!
- And be sure to add your walking trips to your SchoolPool Calendar to help raise funds for your PTSA.
By walking together you can not only share the responsibility and time commitment of the daily 'commute' to school, but help students practice safe and healthy travel options. By working with other parents and guardians you can be sure your students are traveling safely to and from school.
Additional Walking School Bus Resources:
- Start a Walking School Bus
- Safe Routes to School Walking School Bus Resources
- Spare the Air: Walking School Buses and Bike Trains