Vanpool Riders Wanted: Redmond
March 6, 2019

King County Metro has over 1,500 van groups on the road-see an up-t0-date list of groups in your area to find yourself a seat!
For a quick check, visit the Metro vanpool seat-finder for an up-to-date list of all van groups in your area.
You can also see a quick list of all vanpools to Redmond as was well as vanpools to Redmond actively looking for riders.
For a custom search based on your commute, login to your Go Redmond account to view matching vanpools, carpools, and other commuters like you looking to share the ride.
If no vans are available, you might be able to form your own.
Current Vanpools Looking for Riders (3/6/2019)
Any questions about the seat-finder,, or starting a vanpool, call 206-625-4500 or email