FAQ's About Electric Scooter Share

Ready to get started on the new scooter share in Redmond? Check out some answers to the most common questions.
How can I start using the Scooter Share scooters?
- Download the App: To download the Lime app, simply click here and you'll automatically be redirected to the appropriate download page for your mobile device. You can also search "Lime" in both the App and Google Play stores.
- Find a Lime Scooter: To find a Lime near you, simply open the Lime app. You'll automatically be taken to the map screen, showing all available Lime vehicles in your area. If you don't see any vehicle icons displayed on the map, zoom out to search a wider area.
- Unlock the Scooter: To unlock a Lime-S scooter, simply open the Lime app and tap on the "Ride" button at the bottom of the screen. From here, either scan the QR code using your phone's camera or manually enter the 6-digit vehicle code located beneath the QR code.
How do I ride an electric scooter?
Lime offers a video on how to ride scooters here.
Where should I ride the scooters?
Keep scooter share fun and safe by riding in bicycle lanes, on City of Redmond trails, or in the roadway. Please help support Redmond as a great place to walk by avoiding riding scooters on sidewalks.
Scooters operate at much higher speeds than pedestrians and make walking uncomfortable. Please walk, instead of riding, the scooter to sidewalk parking areas.
Scooters are allowed on City of Redmond trails, including the Redmond Central Connector, Bear Creek Trail and Puget Sound Energy Trail, but not King County trails, such as the Sammamish River Trail.
Rules and tips for riding your bike on city streets also applies to the electric scooters:
Should I wear a helmet?
Yes! A helmet is an essential piece of safety equipment when riding a scooter. Helmets may be purchased at any of our great, local bike shops or acquired, with a $10 donation, by contacting the Redmond Police at (425) 556-2525.
Already have a helmet? Make sure you have it fit properly:
Where should I park the scooter when I'm done?
Ensure that the bike or scooter is parked out of the pedestrian path of travel and it is standing upright.
Do park at any of the following locations:
- At a bike rack
- In the furniture zone of the sidewalk (see green in diagram above)
- In zones marked for bike and/or scooter share parking via marks on the ground and/or via information in the vendor application
Do not park bikes and scooters:
- In a vehicle lane, bicycle lane, or trail
- Within the pedestrian clear zone (in the red zone in diagram above)
- In sidewalk café seating areas
- Blocking Americans with Disability Act (ADA) access such as handicap parking stalls, sidewalk ramps (see red above next to crosswalk), the pedestrian clear zone, accessible pedestrian signal buttons (enable users to find and to request street crossings), or other ADA facilities
- Blocking use of fire hydrants, fire protection systems, benches, parking pay stations, bus stops and shelters, transit information signs, crosswalks, doorways, entryways, or driveways
- In areas designated by the City as bike share no-parking areas (will also be reflected in vendor application as no-parking)
- On any private property unless such property owner has granted the operator permission to locate bikes or scooters upon their private property
What is the speed limit on Redmond trails?
The speed limits on Redmond trails is 15mph, the top speed of the Lime electric scooters is 14.8 mph. In heavily trafficked and crowded areas, we recommend going slower than the limit. S
Who do I contact if I have an issue with a scooter?
Lime is responsible for addressing issues such as parking or maintenance problems. For questions or to report an issue regarding the Lime scooters, email support@li.me or call or text: 1-888-LIME-345.
Any other questions?
Check out the Go Redmond blog, the City of Redmond website, or check out Lime for more information.