How to: Add Commute Trips From Your Phone

You can add to your commute calendar to earn rewards and see your impact from your phone!
Step 1: Navigate to from your smart phone and click "Sign In" from the menu on the top right
Step 2: Login to your Go Redmond & Rideshare Online account
Step 3: Click on "Calendar" from the menu in the top right
Step 4: Select your commute mode type from the drop down menu (carpool, bus, bike, etc.)
Note: If you have a Trip Log Template set up, you will be asked to confirm any trips that you've taken but haven't yet been added to the calendar.
Step 5: Select your commute details from the drop down menu
Step 6: Select the days on the calendar that you took that commute mode and click "Log Trip"
You'll get a message letting you know your trips were added. The trips you've added to the calendar will be listed on the bottom of the page.