Getting to So Bazaar 2019 and Redmond Downtown Park Using Trails

Skip the need to park with easy and direct trail routes bringing you to Downtown via bike, scooter, or walking.
So Bazaar night market will be happening at the Redmond Central Connector Park (between Leary Way and 161st Ave. NE) on Thursdays, August 15, 22 and 29 from 5-9 p.m.
The park is easily accessible from the Redmond Central Connector Trail, which has great access from the 520 Bike Trail, Sammamish River Trail, or the Marymoor Connector trail giving you a direct connection to the event without needing your car.
Use the promo code LIME REDMOND to get $1 off your electric scooter trip to get to the event!
These biking and scooter directions are also useful for popping into Downtown for lunch, dinner, or happy hour from work. If you are driving into downtown with friends or coworkers, you still have plenty of parking options you can find here.
Visit Experience Redmond for local restaurants and bar listings.
Biking or Scootering from Overlake
- Take the 520 Bike Trail towards downtown Redmond for 1.9 miles
- Turn right onto the Sammamish River Trail
- Turn left onto Leary Way NE
- Turn left onto the Heron Rookery Trail
- Cross Bear Creek Parkway to enter to Redmond Central Connector Park!
Biking or Scootering from Willows Road
Head southeast on Willows Road
Turn left onto NE 100th Court (by Overlake Christian Church)
Follow the Redmond Central Connector Trail which leads to the Redmond Central Connector Park
Biking or Scootering from SE Redmond
Head north on the Marymoor Connector Trail for .8 miles
Turn right on the Sammamish River Trail
Turn right onto Leary Way NE
Turn left on the Heron Rookery Trail
- Cross Bear Creek Parkway to enter to Redmond Central Connector Park!