When you add a trip to your Go Redmond calendar, you'll be entered into drawings for prizes!

  1. Login or create an account

  2. First time? Click "Create a trip" under "Ridematch"

    1. More detailed instructions here, you will only need to set it up once.

  3. Add any non-drive alone trips to your Go Redmond Calendar by clicking on the Calendar tab.  

    1. More detailed instructions here.

  4. Click "Rewards" to see your progress towards different drawings and incentives from your networks

Go Redmond Incentives and Subsidies

Go Redmond Monthly Drawings

Go Redmond offers monthly drawings to people who are taking non-drive alone commutes.

The more trips you take, the more chances you have to win!

  • At least 1 trip per month: entered into a drawing for $10 Starbucks card
  • At least 4 trips per month: entered to win $25 visa e-gift card
  • At least 10 trips per month: entered to win $50 visa e-gift card
  • 20 or more trips per month: entered to win $100 visa e-gift card

You will be automatically entered to win when you add your trips to your online Commute Calendar. Go Redmond staff will notify winners through their account.