Share your opinion on the two options for simplifying Sound Transit fares

Sound Transit wants to hear from ST Express bus riders about fare simplification changes the board is considering.

Sound Transit is considering two options for simplifying ST Express fares by eliminating the current two-zone fare structure.

Option 1 is a $3.25 flat fare for adult riders.

Option 2 is route-based, with all two-county routes having a $3.75 adult fare, and all single-county routes remaining $2.75 for an adult fare. This option would eliminate the one-county override on two-county routes.

In both options, all reduced-fare categories: LIFT, Youth, Senior or Disabled, would be set to the current, one-county fare level. Pending Board approval, Sound Transit expects to implement any fare changes in July 2018, in conjunction with Metro's change to a $2.75 flat fare.

Visit the webpage to learn about ways to participate:

- Take the online survey

- Join Sound Transit at the public meeting

You can also contact Customer Outreach Specialist Kassandra Andrews, at 206-903-7572, for more information.